Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Blog Update

We are aware that the link to the Zoning Decisions spreadsheet can currently only be viewed by Taylor Legal members. We are working to get this fixed and available to everyone ASAP!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Easy-Read Zoning Board Decisions

HoCoZo blog has just added a new spreadsheet, showing all Zoning Board decisions since 2008 with case details. Just click the "Zoning Board Decisions" link at the top of this page!!

 More information can be found here: http://cc.howardcountymd.gov/Zoning-Land-Use/Zoning-Board/DecisionsAndOrders

Please utilize our easy to read spreadsheet to get a glimpse into what has been going on with Howard County Zoning Regulations!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Howard County Council to Introduce New Bicycle Plan

The council has been in the process of creating an improved system of bike paths throughout Howard County, namely BikeHoward. The comprehensive plan includes vast improvements to existing paths and street crossings, as well as new paths.

Check out the entire draft for the bicycle plan here:

The council is encouraging residents to give feedback regarding the plan. Although the submit time frame mentioned on their page has passed, comment here with your feelings on BikeHoward!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Conditional Use Requested by Homewood Properties, LLC for Historic Building as Interior Design Business

BA 14-004C&V: Homewood Properties, LLC.

Monday, May 5, 2014 6:00 PM

Category: Hearing Examiner

Location: 3430 Courthouse Drive, Ellicott City - 21043

Description: Conditional Use for an historic building as an interior design business at 14290 Triadelphia Road, Glenelg.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Hoco Zoning Board Update







ZB 1085M    

Technical Staff 


Addendum to TSR 

Addendum 2 to TSR 

Kit Kat Road Partners II, LLC.

To amend the zoning map to apply the Solid Waste District Overlay to this property which is currently

zoned M-2 (Manufacturing:Heavy); Northeast of Kit Kat Road, South of US 1

(7167 Kit Kat Road)


May 12, 2014

7:00 p.m

Land Use and Zoning- FAQ – What is a variance? How do I request one?

A variance in land use and zoning is an official permit issued by the city’s planning and zoning department. This permit allows for an exception to the zoning requirements in certain areas. For example, a landowner can request a variance for building a multi-story property in a neighborhood originally zoned for single story homes.

Zoning regulations are set by local governments, and determine a wide range of land uses including the type of structure that can be built, property use, building height, and land coverage. Restrictions can extend to the building setbacks, parking lots, landscaping, signage, and light placement.


There are two types of variances:

§  Area variance

§  Use variance


A landowner may obtain an area variance if he cannot operate within zoning requirements. An example of someone that may need an area variance is if they have a house built on an oddly shaped lot. The odd shape may make it so that the house’s location cannot meet the local setback requirements.


A use variance is an exception to how the local government intended the land to be used. If a homeowner wanted to turn his house into a retail business in the middle of a residential neighborhood, he’d need a use variance. A use variance is more difficult to attain, and not every municipality allows them.


How Do I Request a Variance?

Zoning laws will vary depending on the area and city you are in. Variances are usually granted when a property owner can demonstrate an undue hardship that was not of his own doing. To apply for a zoning variance, contact your local Department of Planning and Development Office. The Department can help you gain access to variance application materials and will tell you what additional forms, permits, or fees you may need to submit.


Be prepared to describe in detail in your application why the variance is necessary for the enjoyment of the property, and how the variance will not negatively impact the safety and wellbeing of adjacent property owners.

Once you submit your variance application, your case is then reviewed by a member of the planning and zoning staff. The staff analyst may even make suggestions for improving the project in a way that doesn't go against zoning regulations or is in keeping with the existing neighborhood or other properties land use requirements.

Your completed application is processed once your application is complete and has all of the required supporting documents and fees. Your application is then heard before a hearing examiner or in front of the Planning & Zoning Commission. Regardless of how a variance is reviewed, concerned neighbors also have the chance to voice their support or objections to the project. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Zoning Map Amendment 7167 Kit Kat Road on March 19

ZB 1085M    
Kit Kat Road Partners II, LLC.
To amend the zoning map to apply the Solid Waste District Overaly to this property which is currently
zoned M-2 (Manufacturing:Heavy); Northest of Kit Kat Road, South of US 1
(7167 Kit Kat Road)

7:00 p.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014